Hier geht's zu:
Wissenschaftliches Personal
| +43 316 380 - 5318 |
| Institut für Chemie |
| +43 316 380 - 5301 |
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| +43 316 380 - 5318 Institut für Chemie https://chemie.uni-graz.at/de/analytische-chemie/forschung/tesla/mitarbeiterinnen/ |
| +43 316 380 - 5302 |
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| +43 316 380 - 5303 Institut für Chemie |
| Institut für Chemie |
| +43 316 380 - 5316 |
| +43 316 380 - 5303 |
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| +43 316 380 - 5319 |
| +43 316 380 - 5304 |
| +43 316 380 - 5305 |
| +43 316 380 - 5310 |
Allgemeines Personal
| |
Alina Eder | +43 316 380 - 5309 |
Katharina Gingl | +43 316 380 - 5307 |
| +43 316 380 - 5300, 6840 |
Fabian Lappi | +43 316 380 - 5307 |
| |
| +43 316 380 - 5307 |
Jaqueline Rieger | +43 316 380 - 5309 |
| +43 316 380 - 5285, 5300 |
Lorenz Steiner | |
| +43 316 380 - 5319 |
| +43 316 380 - 5319 Institut für Chemie https://chemie.uni-graz.at/de/analytische-chemie/forschung/ache/ |
Bernhard Gruener | |
Gäste und Masterand:innen
Manuel Candussi | |
Franziska Peer | |
| +43 316 380 - 5307 |
Paul Michael Stueger | |
Julia Truscher | |
Vinnícius Henrique Cerqueira da Silva | |
Florian Taferner | |
Sandra Kiesel | |
Samira Buttazoni | |
Helen Lord | |
2024 | |||
Andreas Schwaiger | Masterarbeit | EM | Development of a solid-phase extraction method for the analysis of arsenolipids in marine samples |
Melissa Arlt | Masterarbeit | EM | Investigations into analytical aspects of selenium speciation analysis in human urine by HPLC-ICPMS for the elucidation of selenium metabolite patterns |
Maria Turiel Pascual | Masterarbeit | EM | Mass spectrometric investigation of selenium and its speciation in the liver of marine animals |
Lhiam Paton | Dissertation | TESLA | |
Viktoria Mueller | Dissertation | TESLA | |
Martin Walenta | Dissertation | ACHE | Method development for the speciation analysis of various metal(loid) containing compounds in fungi |
Melissa Rauter | Masterarbeit | ACHE | Hair – a potential biomarker for the elemental status of calves |
2023 | |||
Evelyn Waldhauser | Masterarbeit | ACHE | Characterisation of arsenic species using HPLC-ICPMS - A Focus on the chromatographic behaviour of Arsenocholine-O-sulphate |
Christina Mühlthaler | Masterarbeit | EM | Arsenic speciation of Silver drummer (Kyphosus sydneyanus) using the robust analytical method HPLC/ICP- MS for the investigation of arsenic metabolism and bacterial activity |
Tengetile Nxumalo | Dissertation | TESLA | Organofluorines using ICPMS and ESI-MS |
Ahmed Alanazi | Dissertation | TESLA | Nanoparticle characterization in environmental samples |
Amnah Al Zbedy | Dissertation | TESLA | PFAS and EOF in whales, rice and wheat |
2022 | |||
Michael Ecker-Eckhofen | Masterarbeit | EM | Investigations into analytical methods for the determination of hexavalent chromium in ash from biomass combustion |
Savarin Sinaviwat | Dissertation | TESLA | Arsenic speciation and bioimaging analysis in the environment and in biological sciences |
Camilla Faidutti | Dissertation | TESLA | Trace element exposure of Bangladeshi’s in Dhaka |
2021 | |||
Eleonora Matic | Masterarbeit | TESLA | Optimisation of the combustion ion exchange chromatographic analysis of fluoride in environmental samples |
Louise Hair | Dissertation | TESLA | Arsenic speciation in toenails in a case study for cardiovascular disease |
Martin Mueller | Dissertation | TESLA | Sulfur speciation studies and solubility of mercury in condensates |
2020 | |||
Stefan Tanda | Dissertation | ACHE | Chemische Charakterisierung von Feinstaub mit dem Fokus auf der Arsenspeziationsanalyse |
Elisa Prall | Masterarbeit | ACHE | Analytische Herausforderungen bei der Bestimmung von Arsen in Pilzen |
Mathias Heidinger | Masterarbeit | ACHE | Analytische Charakterisierung von Polypropylen-Typen mit hohen Reinheitsanforderungen |
Magdalena Blanz | Dissertation | TESLA | Seaweed use in the Neolithics |
Sa’adatu Olumi Abatemiusman | Dissertation | TESLA | Trace Elements in the Environment |
2019 | |||
Kathrin Ertl | Dissertation | ACHE | Elementkonzentrationen in Lebensmitteln erhältlich in österreichischen Märkten |
Anna-Maria Wiesinger | Diplomarbeit | ACHE | Entwicklung einer ICPMS Methode zur Bestimmung von Element-Verunreinigungen in pharmazeutischen Substanzen gemäß den Richtlinien von USP, Ph.Eur. und IHQ3D |
Nina Kröpfl | Dissertation | EM | Analytical aspects related to investigations of the biosynthesis, bioavailability, and metabolism of selenoneine |