SPCal - An open source, easy-to-use processing platform for ICP-TOFMS based single event data
Programm für fortgeschrittene Datenverarbeitung
Single particle inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (SP ICP-MS) has evolved into one of the most powerful techniques for the bottom-up characterisation of nanoparticle suspensions. The latest generation of time-of-flight mass analysers offers new perspectives on single particles by rapidly collecting full mass spectra and providing information on particle composition and abundances, even in unknown samples. However, SP ICP-TOFMS is associated with vast and complex data, which can hamper its applicability and the interrogation of specific particle features. Unlocking the full potential of SP ICP-TOFMS requires dedicated, easy-to-use software solutions to navigate through data sets and promote transparent, efficient and precise processing. SPCal is……….