G. Gössler, V. Hofer, W. Goessler. Evaluation of four different standard addition approaches with respect to trueness and precision, ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (2025) https://doi10.1007/s00216-024-05725-8.
S. Escudero-Cernuda, D. Clases, N. Eiro, L.O. González, M. Fraile, F.J. Vizoso, M.L. Fernández-Sánchez, R.G. de Vega. Quantitative distribution of essential elements and non-essential metals in breast cancer tissues by LA-ICP-TOF-MS, ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 417 (2025) 361-371. https://doi10.1007/s00216-024-05652-8.
T.E. Lockwood, L. Schlatt, D. Clases. SPCal - an open source, easy-to-use processing platform for ICP-TOFMS-based single event data, JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 40 (2024) 130-136. https://doi10.1039/d4ja00241e.
A. Raab, D.B. Stengel, J.Feldmann. Differential prevalence of arsenic speciation in the kelps Laminaria digitata and L. hyperborea, MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN 211 (2025) 117473. https://doi10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.117473.
P. Niehaus, R. Gonzalez de Vega, M.T Haindl, C. Birkl, M. Leoni, A. M. Birkl-Toeglhofer, J. Haybaeck, S. Ropele, M. Seeba, W. Goessler, U. Karst & D. Clases, Multimodal analytical tools for the molecular and elemental characterisation of lesions in brain tissue of multiple sclerosis patients, Talanta 270 (2024) 125518 DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2023.125518
T.E. Lockwood, R. Gonzalez de Vega, Z. Du, L. Schlatt, X. Xu & D. Clase, Strategies to enhance figures of merit in ICP-ToF-MS, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 39 (2024) 227-234 DOI: 10.1039/D3JA00288H
A. Raab, J. Zhang, Y. Ge, F. Fernández-Mendoza, J. Feldmann, Lipophilic arsenic compounds in the cultured green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2024) DOI: 10.1007/s00216-023-05122-7
C. Neuper, M. Šimić, T. Lockwood, R. Gonzalez de Vega, U. Hohenester, H. Fitzek, L. Schlatt, C. Hill, D. Clases, Optofluidic Force Induction meets Raman Spectroscopy and Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry: A new hyphenated technique for comprehensive and complementary characterisations of single particles, Analytical Chemistry 96 (2024) 8291–8299 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c04657
P. Bohleber, P. Larkman, N. Stoll, D. Clases, R. Gonzalez de Vega, M. Šala, M. Roman & C. Barbante, Quantitative insights on impurities in ice cores at the micro-scale from calibrated LA-ICP-MS imaging, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25 (2024) e2023GC011425, DOI: 10.1029/2023GC011425
O. Missen, S. Mills, T.T. Moro, E.E. Villalobos-Portillo, H. Castillo-Miguel, T. Lockwood, R. Gonzalez de Vega & D. Clases, Natural cobalt-manganese oxide nanoparticles: Speciation, detection and implications for cobalt cycling, Environmental Chemistry 21 (2024) EN23093 DOI: 10.1071/EN23093
T. Schröder, V. Mueller, M. Preihs, J. Borovicka, R. Gonzalez de Vega, A. Kindness & J. Feldmann, Fluorine mass balance analysis in wild boar organs from the Bohemian Forest National Park, The Science of the total environment, 922 (2024) 171187, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171187
J. Feldmann, H.R. Hansen, T.M. Karlsson, J. Christensen, ICP-MS as a contributing tool to non-target screening (NTS) analysis for environmental monitoring, Environmental Science & Technology (2024)
R. Gonzalez de Vega, M. Plassmann, D. Clases, K. Zangger, V. Müller, E. Rosenberg, A. Reimann, L. Skedung, J.P. Benskin, J. Feldmann, A multi-platform approach for the comprehensive analysis of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and fluorine mass balance in commercial ski wax products, Analytica Chimica Acta (2024) 1314, 342754.
R. Gonzalez de Vega, T.T. Moro, B. Grüner, T. de Andrade Maranhão, M. Huber, N. Ivleva, E. Skrzypek, J. Feldmann, D. Clases, Studying the degradation of bulk PTFE into microparticles via SP ICP-MS: A systematically developed method for the detection of F-containing particles, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (2024)
L. Paton, T.T. Moro, T. Lockwood, T. de Andrade Maranhão, G. Gössler, D. Clases, J. Feldmann, AF 4-MALS-SP ICP-ToF-MS analysis gives insight into nature of HgSe nanoparticles formed by cetaceans, Environmental Science: Nano (2024) 11, 1883-1890.
J.F. Kopp, L. Paton, S. Sinawivat, Z. Gajdosechova, A. Raab, A. Brownlow, J. Feldmann, Toxic arsenolipids bioaccumulate in the developing brain of pilot whales, Science and the Total Environment (2024) 946, 173816.
T. Nxumalo, A. Akhdhar, V. Müller, A. Al Zbedy, A. Raab, M. Jovanovic, E. Leitner, A. Kindness, J. Feldmann, Determination of Total Extractable Organofluorine (EOF) in Food Contact materials and target and non-target analysis of PFAS using LC-MS/MS and LC-HRMS simultaneously coupled to ICPMS, Food Additives & Contaminents Part A (2024) 41, 856-866.
M. Jovanović, V. Müller, E. Leitner, Analysis of PFAS in Raw Materials Intended for the Production of Paper-based Food Contact Materials – Evaluating LC-MS/MS versus Total Fluorine and Extractable Organic Fluorine, Food Additives & Contaminents Part A (2024) 41, 525-536.
T. Schroeder, V. Müller, M. Preihs, J. Borovička, A. Kindness, J. Feldmann, Fluorine mass balance analysis in wild boar organs from the Bohemian Forest National Park, Science and the Total Environment (2024) 922, 171187.
C. Faidutti, C. Doolette, L. Hair, K.R. van Daalen, A. Naheed, E. Lombi, J. Feldmann, Trace element distribution and arsenic speciation in toenails as affected by external contamination and evaluation of a cleaning protocol, Analytical Chemistry (2024) 96, 10, 4039–4047.
C. Xiong, A.H. Petursdottir, G. Rikhardsson, C. Beaumal, S. Stergiadis, A. Raab, J. Feldmann, The seaweed supplementation in cattle feed decreases inorganic arsenic in milk production, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, (2024)
J. Parnell, K. Nwoko, J. Feldmann, J. Armstrong, Speciation of trace elements in the Bowland Shale, Geological Society Special Publication (2024) 538,1, SP534-2020-195.
A. Al Zbedy, V. Müller, A. Lindnes, R. Ebel, G.J. Norton, J. Feldmann GenX uptake by wheat and flooded and non-flooded rice: greenhouse experiment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2024) 31, 1607-1620.
S. Wehmeier, M. Preihs, J. Dressler, A. Raab, J. Feldmann, Detection of inorganic arsenic in rice using a field deployable method with Cola extraction, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2024) 416, 2677-2682.
F. Peer,D. Kuehnelt. High levels of the health-relevant antioxidant selenoneine identified in the edible mushroom Boletus edulis, JOURNAL OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY 86 (2024). https://doi10.1016/j.jtemb.2024.127536.
M.Q. Salih, L. Steiner, W. Goessler, J.R. Hama, B. Lajin. Urinary excretion of H2S methylation metabolites in oil refinery workers, TOXICOLOGY LETTERS 401 (2024) 82-88. https://doi10.1016/j.toxlet.2024.09.007.
M. Caracausi, G. Ramacieri, F. Catapano, M. Cicilloni, B. Lajin, M.C. Pelleri, A. Piovesan, L. Vitale, C. Locatelli, G.L. Pirazzoli, P. Strippoli, F. Antonaros, B. Vione. The functional roles of S-adenosyl-methionine and S-adenosyl-homocysteine and their involvement in trisomy 21, BIOFACTORS 50 (2024) 709-724. https://doi10.1002/biof.2044.
F. Antonaros, B. Obermayer-Pietsch, G. Ramacieri, B. Vione, C. Locatelli, W. Goessler, M. Caracausi, B. Lajin. First clinical evidence that trimethylsulfonium can serve as a biomarker for the production of the signaling molecule hydrogen sulfide, CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA 554 (2024) 117780. https://doi10.1016/j.cca.2024.117780.
R. Pavlovic, K. Crailsheim, M. Petrovic, W. Goessler, N.M. Zaric. Recycling honey bee drone brood for sustainable beekeeping, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY (2024). https://doi10.1093/jee/toae303.
W. Lieberman-Cribbin, A. Domingo-Relloso, R.A. Glabonjat, K. Schilling, S.A. Cole, M. O'Leary, L.G. Best, Y. Zhang, A.M. Fretts, J.G. Umans, W. Goessler, A. Navas-Acien, M. Tellez-Plaza, A. Kupsco. An epigenome-wide study of selenium status and DNA methylation in the Strong Heart Study, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL 191 (2024) 108955. https://doi10.1016/j.envint.2024.108955.
K.P. Patterson, A.E. Nigra, P. Olmedo, M. Grau-Perez, R. O'Leary, M. O'Leary, A.M. Fretts, J.G. Umans, L.G. Best, W. Goessler, S.A. Cole, A. Navas-Acien. Geographic and dietary differences of urinary uranium levels in the Strong Heart Family Study, JOURNAL OF EXPOSURE SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EPIDEMIOLOGY (2024). https://doi10.1038/s41370-024-00695-6.
O. Zverina, L. Bruhová, P. Coufalik, C.D. Strínger, J. Rieger, W. Goessler. Multi-element analysis (Pb, Al, Fe) of Antarctic flora using HR-CS ETAAS with an extended working range, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY 218 (2024) 106979. https://doi10.1016/j.sab.2024.106979.
R. Pavlovic, R. Brodschneider, W. Goessler, L. Stanisavljevic, Z. Vujcic, N.M. Zaric, NM. Micronutrient Deficiency May Be Associated with the Onset of Chalkbrood Disease in Honey Bees, INSECTS 15 (2024) 269. https://doi10.3390/insects15040269.
C. Howlett, F. Ravalli, K. Bhatt, I. Martinez-Morata, R. Fabsitz, M. Tellez-Plaza, J.G. Umans, W. Goessler, M. Grau-Perez, R.B. Devereux, A. Navas-Acien. Associations of Urinary Zinc With Incident Peripheral Arterial Disease and Amputation in the Strong Heart Study, CIRCULATION 149 (2024) P267. https://doi10.1161/circ.149.suppl_1.P267.
N.M. Zaric, R. Brodschneider, W. Goessler. Sex-specific element accumulation in honey bees (Apis mellifera), ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH (2024) https://doi10.1007/s11356-024-32822-z.
J. Cambiaso-Daniel, H. Luze, S. Meschnark, J. Fink, I. Schreiver, T. Rappl, W. Goessler, P. Kotzbeck, L.P. Kamolz. Tattoo Pigment Biokinetics in vivo in a 28-Day Porcine Model: Elements Undergo Fast Distribution to Lymph Nodes and Reach Steady State after 7 Days, DERMATOLOGY 240 (2024) 304-311. https://doi10.1159/000536126.
Z. Slejkovec, J.T. van Elteren, M. Bergmann, W. Goessler. A Glimpse into the Nature of Particles Created During Pulsed Laser Ablation of Arsenic Compounds in Ambient Gases. ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY 45 (2024). https://doi10.46770/AS.2023.305.
L. Paton, N. Marczinczik, T. Lindsay, R.G. de Vega, E. Skrzypek, T.T. Moro, B.A. McKenna, C. Doolette, E. Lombi, D. Clases, J. Feldmann. Investigating how H2S can alter the interactions between Hg0 and corroded steel surfaces to guide future decommissioning projects, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 480 (2024) 136025. https://doi10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.136025.
M. Horstmann, C.D. Jr Quarles, S. Happel, M. Sperling, A. Faust, D. Clases, U. Karst. Quantification of technetium-99 in wastewater by means of automated on-line extraction chromatography - anion-exchange chromatography - inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY 39 (2024) 2774-2782. https://doi10.1039/d4ja00270a.
M. Horstmann, C.D. Jr Quarles, S. Happel, M. Sperling, A. Faust, K. Rahbar, D. Clases, U. Karst. Quantification of [99Tc]TcO4- in urine by means of anion-exchange chromatography-aerosol desolvation nebulization-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 416 (2024) 2849-2858. https://doi10.1007/s00216-024-05149-4.
R.G. de Vega, D. Clases, B.A. Cunningham, K. Ganio, S.L. Neville, C.A. McDevitt, P.A. Doble. Spatial distribution of trace metals and associated transport proteins during bacterial infection, ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 416 (2024) 2783-2796. https://doi10.1007/s00216-023-05068-w.
L.S. Kato, V.H.C. da Silva, D.C. de Andrade, G. Cruz, J.H. Pedrobom, A. Raab, J. Feldmann, M.A.Z. Arruda. Multimodal chemical speciation techniques based on simultaneous high resolution molecular/atomic mass spectrometry applied to online target/ non-target analysis: A tutorial review, ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 1331 (2024) 343084. https://doi10.1016/j.aca.2024.343084.
M.S. Binkadem, A. Akhdhar, D. Abd El-Hady, A.M. Alowaifeer, M.A. Almutairi, K.K. Alnabati, K.Z. Elwakeel, F.M.A. Zainy, H.M. Baeissa, S. Alhayyani, H.M. Albishri, A.S. Al-Bogami, J. Feldmann. Release of Elements from Disposable Aluminum Cookware During Conventional Cooking with Water, CURRENT ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (2024). https://doi10.2174/0115734110307444240514111208.
M.J. Plater, A. Raab, H. Hartmann. Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry analysis of some early green dyes, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH 48 (2024) 17475198241281202. https://doi10.1177/17475198241281202.
T.J.S. Smith, A. Navas-Acien, S. Baker, C. Kok, K. Kruczynski, L.N. Avolio, N. Pisanic, P.R. Randad, R.C. Fry, W. Goessler, A. van Geen, J.P. Buckley, M.H. Rahman, H. Ali, R. Haque, S. Shaikh, T.J. Siddiqua, K. Schulze, K.P. West, A.B. Labrique, C.D. Heaney, Anthropometric measures and arsenic methylation among pregnant women in rural northern Bangladesh, Environmental Research 234 (2023) 116453
K. Boyer, A. Domingo-Relloso, E.N. Jiang, K. Haack, W. Goessler, Y. Zhang, J.G. Umans, D.W. Belsky, S.A. Cole, A. Navas-Acien, A. Kupsco, Metal mixtures and DNA methylation measures of biological aging in American Indian populations, Environment International 178 (2023) 108064
B. Lajin, B. Obermayer-Pietsch, R. Somma, W. Goessler, A time-course investigation of the human urinary excretion of the hydrogen sulfide biomarker trimethylsulfonium, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 100 (2023) 104162,
B. Lajin, W. Goessler, Determination of Phosphoethanolamine in Urine with HPLC-ICPMS/MS Using 1,2-Hexanediol as a Chromatographic Eluent, Anal Chem 95 (2023) 8706–8710
S. Sunkara, S. Radulovic, S. Lipovsek, C. Birkl, S. Eggenreich, A.M. Birkl-Toeglhofer, M. Schinagl, D. Funk, M. Stöger-Pollach, J. Haybaeck, W. Goessler, S. Ropele, G. Leitinger, Autolysis Affects the Iron Cargo of Ferritins in Neurons and Glial Cells at Different Rates in the Human Brain, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 43 (2023) 2909-2923
M. Galvez-Fernandez, K.A. Bhatt, F. Ravalli, W. Goessler, Y. Zhang, A.M. Fretts, J.G. Umans, T. Sanchez, F. Ujueta, G.A. Lamas, R.R. Fabsitz, A. Navas-Acien, The Association of Urinary Cadmium and Zinc With Lower Extremity Amputations. Evidence From the Strong Heart Study, Circulation 147 (2023) Meeting AbstractP170
C.K. Dye, A. Domingo-Relloso, A. Kupsco, N.E. Tinkelman, M.J. Spratlen, A.K. Bozack, M. Tellez-Plaza, W. Goessler, K. Haack, J.G. Umans, A.A. Baccarelli, S.A. Cole, A. Navas-Acien, Maternal DNA methylation signatures of arsenic exposure is associated with adult offspring insulin resistance in the Strong Heart Study, Environment International 173 (2023) 107774
L.N. Avolio, T.J.S. Smith, A. Navas-Acien, K. Kruczynski, N. Pisanic, P.R. Randad, B. Detrick, R.C. Fry, A. van Geen, W. Goessler, R.A. Karron, S.L. Klein, E.L. Ogburn, M. Wills-Karp, K. Alland, K. Ayesha, B. Dyer, M.T. Islam, H.A. Oguntade, M.H. Rahman, H. Ali, R. Haque, S. Shaikh, K.J. Schulze, A.K.M. Muraduzzaman, A.S.M. Alamgir, M.S. Flora, K. West, A.B. Labrique, C.D. Heaney, The Pregnancy, Arsenic, and Immune Response (PAIR) Study in rural northern Bangladesh, Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 37 (2023) 165-178
M. Walenta, S. Braeuer, W. Goessler, Arsenic speciation of commonly eaten mushrooms from central Europe, Environmental Chemistry 20 (2023) 66-73
O. Zverina, M. Vychytilov, J. Rieger, W. Goessler, Fast and simultaneous determination of zinc and iron using HR-CS GF-AAS in vegetables and plant material, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 201 (2023) 106616
J. Borovicka, J. Sácky, K. Kana, M. Walenta, L. Ackerman, S. Braeuer, T. Leonhardt, H. Hrselová, W. Goessler, P. Kotrba, Cadmium in the hyperaccumulating mushroom Thelephora penicillata: Intracellular speciation and isotopic composition, Science of The Total Environment 855 (2023) 159002
D. Moser, P. Materna, A. Stark, J. Lammer, A. Csik, J.M. Abdou, R. Dorner, M. Sterrer, W. Goessler, G. Kothleitner, B. Gollas, Corrosion of Passive Aluminum Anodes in a Chloroaluminate Deep Eutectic Solvent for Secondary Batteries: The Bad, the Good, and the Ugly, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 15 (2023) 882–892
B. Lajin, R. Somma, B. Obermayer-Pietsch, W. Goessler, Trace determination of the hydrogen sulfide biomarker thiosulfate in human urine by HPLC coupled with element selective ICPMS/MS detection, Analytica Chimica Acta 1237 (2023) 340583
Z. Slejkovec, A. Stajnko, D. Mazej, M.J. Hudobivnik, O. Mestek, B. Lajin, W. Goessler, J.T. van Elteren, I. Falnoga, Trimethylselenonium ion determination in human urine by high-performance liquid chromatography–hydride generation–atomic fluorescence spectrometry optimization of the hydride generation step, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 415 (2023) 317–326
G. Raber, S. Weishaupt, F. Lappi, M. Stiboller, J Feldmann, Quantitative analysis of arsenic containing hydrocarbons in marine samples by GC-MS, Environmental Chemistry 20 (2023) 18-30
L. Poltl, M. Kitsera, S. Raffl, S. Schild, A. Cosic, S. Kienesberger, K. Unterhauser, G. Raber, C. Lembacher-Fadum, R. Breinbauer, G. Gorkiewicz, C. Sebastian, G. Hoefler, E.L. Zechner, Microbiota-derived genotoxin tilimycin generates colonic stem cell mutations, Cell Reports 42 (2023) 112199
M. Stiboller, A.C. Espinoza, S. Scholz, G. Raber, T. Schwerdtle, Isolation and purification of arsenolipids from natural marine sources for use in speciation and toxicological studies, Environmental Chemistry 20 (2023) 31-43
M.J. Plater, A. Raab, H. Hartmann, Violet dyes of the 1860s: Hofmann, Britannia, violet de Paris, Wanklyn’s, and Crystal violet (1883), J. Chem. Res. 47 (2023)
A.T. Mlangeni, E. Chinthenga, N.J. Kapito, S. Namaumbo, J. Feldmann, A. Raab, Safety of African grown rice: Comparative review of As, Cd, and Pb contamination in African rice and paddy fields, Heliyon 9 (2023) e18314
A. Alzahrani, R. Ebel, G. Norton, A. Raab, J. Feldmann, Iodine in plant-based dairy products is not sufficient in the UK: A market survey, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 79 (2023) 127218
Z. Gajdosechova, P. Grinberg, K. Kubachka, M. Wolle, A. Raab, J. Feldmann, R. Sim, A.H. Petursdottir, T. Matousek, S. Musil, B. Wozniak, S. Springer, N.W. Sadiq, H. Gurleyuk, C.H. Palmer, I.P. Gedara, Z. Mester, Determination of inorganic As, DMA and MMA in marine and terrestrial tissue samples: a consensus extraction approach, Environmental Chemistry 20 (2023) 5-17
W.O. Matos, F.L.F. da Silva, S. Sinaviwat, A. Raab, E.M. Krupp, G.S. Lopes, A.R.A. Nogueira, J. Feldmann, Assessment of trace element content throughout the white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farming cycle, Environmental Chemistry 20 (2023) 44-54
J.M. Dressler, A. Raab, S. Wehmeier, J. Feldmann, Arsenic, cadmium, and lead in rice and rice products on the Austrian market, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B Surveillance 16 (2023)
A. Raab, K. Kubachka, M. Strohmaier, M. Preihs, J. Feldmann, New arsenic compound identified in rice grain: dimethylarsonyldimethylarsinic acid, Environmental Chemistry 20 (2023) 74-82
E.E.A. Adomako, A. Raab, G.J. Norton, A.A. Meharg, Potential Toxic Element (PTE) Soil Concentrations at an Urban Unregulated Ghanaian E-waste Recycling Centre: Environmental Contamination, Human Exposure and Policy Implications, Exposure and Health 15 (2023) 677–686
V. Müller, L.C.A. Costa, F.S. Rondan, E. Matic, M.F. Mesko, A. Kindness, J. Feldmann, Per and polyfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) target and EOF analyses in ski wax, snowmelts, and soil from skiing areas, Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts (2023)
S. Lancaster, W.T. Corns, E.M. Krupp, J. Feldmann, Development of an online analyser to meet challenging new discharge limits for mercury in flue gas desulphurisation wastewater, Water Quality Research Journal (2023)
D. Clases, R.G. de Vega, J. Parnell, J. Feldmann, Fluorine mapping via LA-ICP-MS/MS: a proof of concept for biological and geological specimens, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 38 (2023) 1661-1667
S. Abatemi-Usman, O. Akindele, A. Ayanlade, M. Perez, I. Attahiru, G. Norton, J. Feldmann, E.M. Krupp, Trace elements concentrations in soil contaminate corn in the vicinity of a cement-manufacturing plant: potential health implications, Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 33 (2023) 813–823
R. Sim, J. Feldmann, D.B. Stengel, A.H. Pétursdóttir, Temporal and intra-thallus variation in arsenic species in the brown macroalga Laminaria digitata, Environmental Chemistry 20 (2023) 55-65
T. Nxumalo, A. Akhdhar, V. Mueller, F. Simon, M. von der Au, A. Cossmer, J. Pfeifer, E.M. Krupp, B. Meermann, A. Kindness, J. Feldmann, EOF and target PFAS analysis in surface waters affected by sewage treatment effluents in Berlin, Germany, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2023)
J. Feldmann, Dedication to Professor Kevin Francesconi, father of organoarsenicals in the environment, Environmental Chemistry 20 (2023) 1-4
M. Horstmann, M. Austrup, F. Busch, A. Faust, M. Sperling, U. Karst, D. Clases, Speciation analysis of Tc radiopharmaceuticals by HPLC-ICP-MS and HPLC-ESI-HRMS, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 38 (2023) 2038-2045
L. Paton, P. Crafts, D. Clases, T. Lindsay, A. Zimmer, H. Siboni, R.G. de Vega, J. Feldmann, The impact of corrosion on the adsorption of gaseous Hg0 onto the surface of steels: Implications for decommissioning in the oil and gas industry, Journal of Hazardous Materials 458 (2023) 131975
M. Horstmann, M. Austrup, F. Busch, A. Faust, M. Sperling, U. Karst, D. Clases, Speciation analysis of Tc radiopharmaceuticals by HPLC-ICP-MS and HPLC-ESI-HRMS, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 38 (2023) 2038-2045
S. Heilgeist, R. Sekine, D. Clases, O. Sahin, R.A. Stewart, Invisible? Assessing the Fate of Sunscreen-Derived Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Swimming Pool Water Using Single Particle and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, ACS EST Water 3 (2023) 1192–1200
K. Duong, S. Maleknia, D. Clases, A. Minett, M.P. Padula, P.A. Doble, R.G. de Vega, Immunoaffinity extraction followed by enzymatic digestion for the isolation and identification of proteins employing automated μSPE reactors and mass spectrometry, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 415 (2023) 4173-4184
M.Y.S. Ibrahim, G.R.R. Cumming, R.G. de Vega, P. Garcia-Losada, O. de Frutos, C.O. Kappe, D Cantillo, Electrochemical Nickel-Catalyzed C(sp3)–C(sp3) Cross-Coupling of Alkyl Halides with Alkyl Tosylates, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145 (2023) 17023–17028
R. Gonzalez de Vega, T. E. Lockwood, L. Paton, L. Schlatt, D. Clases, “Non-target analysis and characterisation of nanoparticles in spirits via single particle ICP-TOF-MS”, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (2023),
D. Clases, “Swimming against the current – Sacrificing unit mass resolution in ICP-MS to improve figures of merit.” J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (2023),
L. Pöltl, M. Kitsera, S. Raffl, S. Schild, A. Cosic, S. Kienesberger, K. Unterhauser, G. Raber, C. Lembacher-Fadum, R. Breinbauer, G. Gorkiewicz, C. Sebastian, G. Hoefler, E.L. Zechner. Microbiota-derived genotoxin tilimycin generates colonic stem cell mutations. Cell Rep 42 (2023) 112199
M. Tuchtenhagen, M. Stiboller, B. Witt, T. Schwerdtle. A novel approach for the determination of exchangeable copper in serum using protein precipitation. JAAS 38 (2023) 587-594
R. Gonzalez de Vega, D. Clases, B.A. Cunningham, K. Ganio, S. L. Neville, C.A. McDevitt & P.A. Doble, Spatial distribution of trace metals and associated transport proteins during bacterial infection, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2023) DOI: 10.1007/s00216-023-05068-w
M. Y.S. Ibrahim, G.R. Cumming, R. Gonzalez de Vega, P. Garcia-Losada, O. de Frutos, C.O. Kappe, D. Cantillo, Electrochemical nickel-catalyzed C(sp3)-C(sp3) cross-coupling of alkyl halides with alkyl tosylates, Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (2023) 17023-17028 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c07313
D. Clases, R. Gonzalez de Vega, Facets of ICP-MS and their potential in the medical sciences—Part 2: nanomedicine, immunochemistry, mass cytometry, and bioassays, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 414 (2022) 7363-7386
B. Lajin, J. Feldmann, W. Goessler, Elution with 1,2-hexanediol enables coupling ICPMS with reversed-phase liquid chromatography under standard conditions, Analytical Chemistry 94(2022) 8802-8810
B. B. Lajin, W. Goessler, B. Obermayer-Pietsch, Rapid determination of hydrogen sulfide-related metabolites in human urine by UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS with fluorinated ion-pairing reagents. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences (2022) 1196
K. Duong, S. Maleknia, D. Clases, A. Minett, M. Padula, P. Doble, R.G. de Vega, Immunoaffinity extraction followed by enzymatic digestion for the isolation and identification of proteins employing automated μSPE reactors and mass spectrometry, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 415 (2022) 4173–4184
D. Clases, R.G. de Vega, Facets of ICP-MS and their potential in the medical sciences—Part 1: fundamentals, stand-alone and hyphenated techniques, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 414 (2022) 7337-7361
D. Johnson, D. Clases, M.L. Fernandez-Sanchez, N. Eiro, L. Gonzalez, F.J. Vizoso, P.A. Doble, R. Gonzalez de Vega, Quantitative multiplexed analysis of MMP-11 and CD45 in metastatic breast cancer tissues by immunohistochemistry-assisted LA-ICP-MS, Metallomics 14 (2022) mfac052
A.T. Mlangeni, A. Raab, P. Kumambala, M. Monjerezi, L. Matumba, J. Feldmann, Evaluation of Metal(loids) Concentrations in Soils of Selected Rice Paddy Fields in Malawi, agronomy 12 (2022) 2349
V. Mueller, T. Chavez-Capilla, J. Feldmann, A. Mestrot, Increasing temperature and flooding enhance arsenic release and biotransformations in Swiss soils, Science and the Total Environment 838 (2022) 156049
S.T. Lancaster, G. Peniche, A. Alzahrani, M. Blanz, J. Newton, M.A. Taggart, W.T. Corns, E.M. Krupp, J. Feldmann, Mercury speciation in Scottish raptors reveals high proportions of inorganic mercury in Scottish golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos): potential occurrence of mercury selenide nanoparticles, Science and the Total Environment 827 (2022) 154557
W.O. Matos, F.L.F. da Silva, S. Sinaviwat, E.J. Menzies, A. Raab, E.M. Krupp, J. Feldmann, Wild shrimps have an order of magnitude higher arsenic concentrations than farmed shrimps from Brazil illustrating the need for a regulation based on inorganic arsenic, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 71 (2022) 126968
A.T. Mlangeni, A. Raab, J. Feldmann, Cobalt and lead accumulation in rice grains is significantly impacted by Fe⁰ amendment and rice cultivar, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) .
M. Blanz, S. Stewart, I. Mainland, P. Ascough, A. Raab, J. Feldmann, M. Taggart, Trace element ratios in tooth enamel as palaeodietary indicators of seaweed consumption and coastal grazing, and their broader applicability, Journal of Archaeological Sciences 139 (2022) 10551
A.T. Mlangeni, S.T. Lancaster, A. Raab, E.M. Krupp, G.J. Norton, J. Feldmann, Impact of soil-type, soil-pH, and soil-metal(loids) on grain-As and Cd accumulation in Malawian rice grown in three regions of Malawi, Environmental Advances 7 (2022) 100145
J. Parnell, K. Nwoko, J. Feldmann, J. Armstrong, Speciation of trace elements in the Bowland Shale, The Journal of the Geological Society (2022)
J. Parnell, T.O. Akinsanpe, J.G.T. Armstrong, A.J. Boyce, J.W. Still, S.A. Bowden, D. Clases, R.G. de Vega, J. Feldmann, Trace element geochemistry in the earliest terrestrial ecosystem, the Rhynie Chert, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23 (2022) e2022GC010647
M.J. Plater, A. Raab, Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of mauveine extracted from silk fabrics: A Victorian dress in Gunnersbury Park and Museum and a modern Charles Rees bow tie, J Chem Res (2022) 17475198221103999
R.A. Glabonjat, E.G. Duncan, F. Krikowa, K.A. Francesconi, W.A. Maher, Arsenosugars and arsenolipids are formed simultaneously by the unicellular alga Dunaliella tertiolecta. Environmental Chemistry 19 (2022) 183-200
M. Calatayud, C. Xiong, M. Selma-Royo, T. van de Wiele; Arsenolipids reduce butyrate levels and influence human gut microbiota in a donor-dependent way, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 246 (2022) 114175
S. Kienesberger, A. Cosic, M. Kitsera, S. Raffl, M. Hiesinger, E. Leitner, B. Halwachs, G. Gorkiewicz, R.A. Glabonjat, G. Raber, C. Lembacher-Fadum, R. Breinbauer, S. Schild, E.L. Zechner, Enterotoxin tilimycin from gut-resident Klebsiella promotes mutational evolution and antibiotic resistance in mice, Nature Microbiology 7 (2022) 1834
C. Xiong, M. Calatayud, T. van de Wiele, K.A. Francesconi, Gut microbiota metabolize arsenolipids in a donor dependent way, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 239 (2022) 113662
A. Selmani, E. Seibert, C. Tetyczka, D. Kuehnelt, I. Vidakovic, K. Kornmueller, M. Absenger-Novak, B. Radatovic, I. Vinkovic Vrcek, G. Leitinger, E. Fröhlich, A. Bernkop-Schnürch, E. Roblegg, R. Prassl, Thiolated chitosan conjugated liposomes for oral delivery of selenium nanoparticles. Pharmaceutics 14 (2022) 803
C. Xiong, R.A. Glabonjat, M.H. Al Amin, M. Stiboller, J. Yoshinaga, K.A. Francesconi, Arsenolipids in salmon are partly converted to thioxo analogs during cooking, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 69 (2022) 126892
S. L. Neville, B. A. Cunningham, E. A. Maunders, A. Tan, J. A. Watts, B. A. Eijkelkamp, V. G. Pederick, J. R. Harmer, R. Gonzalez de Vega, D. Clases, P. A. Doble, C. A. McDevitt, “Host-mediated copper stress is not protective against Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 infection”, Microbiol. Spectr. (2022) e0249522
S. Meyer, D.Clases, R. Gonzalez de Vega, P. Doble, ”Separation of Intact Proteins by Capillary Electrophoresis”, Analyst (2022) 147, 2988-2996, 414, 7337-7361
A. Grima, D. Clases, R. Gonzalez de Vega, M. R. Nitschke, S. Goyen, D. J Suggett, E. F. Camp, Species-specific elementomes for scleractinian coral hosts and their associated Symbiodiniaceae, Coral Reefs (2022) 41, 1115-1130
R. Gonzalez de Vega, T. E. Lockwood, X. Xu, C. Gonzalez de Vega, J. Scholz, M. Horstmann, P. A. Doble, D. Clases, Analysis of Ti and Pb-based Particles in the Aqueous Environment of Melbourne (Australia) via single particle ICP-MS, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2022) 414, 5671-5681
E. F. Camp, M. T. Nitschke, D. Clases, R. Gonzalez de Vega, H. G. Reich, S. Goyen, D. J. Suggett, Micronutrient content drives elementome variability amongst the Symbiodiniaceae, BMC Plant Biol. (2022) 22:184
F. Bevan, H. Galeb, A. Black, I.M. Pateli, J. Allen, M. Perez, J. Feldmann, R. Harris, G. Jenkin, A. Abbott, J. Hartley, A Unified Method for the Recovery of Metals from Chalcogenides, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2021)
A. Akhdhar, M. Schneider, S. Hellmann, A. Orme, E. Carasek, E.M. Krupp, J. Feldmann, The use of microwave-induced plasma optical emission spectrometry for fluorine determination and its application to tea infusions, Talanta (2021)
A.T. Mlangeni, S.T. Lancaster, A. Raab, E.M. Krupp, G.J. Norton, J. Feldmann, Higher zero valent iron soil amendments dosages markedly inhibit accumulation of As in Faya and Kilombero cultivars compared to Cd, Science of total Environment (2021)
X.-M. Xue, C. Xiong, M. Yoshinaga, B. Rosen, Y.-G. Zhu, The enigma of environmental organoarsenicals: Insights and implications, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology (2021)
S. Zelzer, A. Meinitzer, M. Herrmann, W. Goessler, D. Enko, A Novel Method for the Determination of Vitamin DMetabolites Assessed at the Blood-Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier, Biomolecules 11 (2021) 1288
S. Zelzer, E. Hofer, A. Meinitzer, E. Fritz-Petrin, S. Simstich, W. Goessler, R. Schmidt, M. Herrmann, Association of vitamin D metabolites with cognitive function and brain atrophy in elderly individuals -the Austrian stroke prevention study, Aging 13(7) (2021) 9455-9467
R. Soler-Blasco, M. Murcia, M. Lozano, B. Sarzo, A. Esplugues, J. Vioque, N., Lertxundi L. Santa Marina, A. Lertxundi, A. Irizar, S. Braeuer, W. Goessler, F. Ballester, S. Llop, Urinary arsenic species and methylation efficiency during pregnancy: Concentrations and associated factors in Spanish pregnant women, Environ. Res. 196 (2021) 110889
M.A. Ehweiner, F. Wiedemaier, B. Lajin, J.A. Schachner, F. Belaj, W. Goessler, N.C. Mösch-Zanetti, Nature-inspired homogeneous catalytic perchlorate reduction using molybdenum complexes, ACS Catalysis 11(18) (2021) 11754-11761
R. Krassnig, G. Hohenberger, A. Schwarz, G. Feierl, R. Wildburger, W. Goessler, R. Windhager, In vitro testing of silver‑containing spacer in periprosthetic infection management, Sci. Rep. 11 (2021) 17261
M.W. Carrano, C.J. Carrano, M.S. Edwards, H. Al-Adilah, Y. Fontana, M.D.J. Sayer, C. Katsaros, A. Raab, J. Feldmann, F.C. Küpper, Laminaria kelps impact iodine speciation chemistry in coastal seawater. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 107531 (2021)
J. Parnell, X. Wang, A. Raab, J. Feldmann, C. Brolly, R. Michie, J. Armstrong, Metal Flux from Dissolution of Iron Oxide Grain Coatings in Sandstones, J. Geofluids (2021)
E. Drobyshev, S. Raschke, R.A. Glabonjat, J. Bornhorst, F. Ebert, D. Kuehnelt, T. Schwerdtle, Capabilities of selenoneine to cross the in vitro blood-brain barrier model. Metallomics 13 (2021) mfaa007 .
S. Braeuer, J. Borovicka, R.A. Glabonjat, L. Steiner, W. Goessler, Arsenocholine-O-sulfate: A novel compound as major arsenic species in the parasitic mushroom Tolypocladium ophioglossoides. Chemosphere 265 (2021) 128886
B. Lajin, S. Braeuer, J. Borovicka, W. Goessler, Is the water disinfection by-product dichloroacetic acid biosynthesized in the edible mushroom Russula nigricans?, Chemosphere 281 (2021) 130819
K.C. Nwoko, X. Liang, M.A.M.J. Perez, E.M. Krupp, G.M. Gadd, J. Feldmann, Characterisation of selenium and tellurium nanoparticles produced by Aureobasidium pullulans using a multi-method approach, Journal of Chromatography A (2021)
S. Heuckeroth, T.N. Nxumalo, A. Raab, J. Feldmann, Fluorine-Specific Detection Using ICP-MS Helps to Identify PFAS Degradation Products in Nontargeted Analysis, Analytical Chemistry (2021)
R.A. Glabonjat, G. Raber, H.C. Holm, B.A.S. Van Mooy, K.A. Francesconi, Arsenolipids in plankton from high- and low-nutrient oceanic waters along a transect in the North Atlantic. Environmental Science & Technology 55 (2021) 5515-5524 .
J.A. Kaufman, C. Mattison, A.M. Fretts, J.G. Umans, S.A. Cole, V.S. Voruganti, W. Goessler, L.G. Best, Y. Zhang, M. Tellez-Plaza, A. Navas-Acien, M.O. Gribble, Arsenic, blood pressure, and hypertension in the Strong Heart Family Study, Environ. Res. 195 (2021) 110864
M. Sobel, A. Navas-Acien, M. Powers, M. Grau-Perez, W. Goessler, L.G. Best, J. Umans, E.C. Oelsner, A. Podolanczuk, T.R. Sanchez, Environmental-level exposure to metals and metal-mixtures associated with spirometry-defined lung disease in American Indian adults: Evidence from the Strong Heart Study, Environ. Res. 204 (2021) 112237
M. Angels Subirana, L. Paton, J. Hall, A. Brownlow, E.M. Krupp, J. Feldmann, D. Schaumlöffel. Development of Mercury Analysis by NanoSIMS for the Localization of Mercury-Selenium Particles in Whale Liver, Analytical Chemistry (2021)
E. Daini, S. Hagmeyer, C.A. de Benedictis, J.S. Cristovao, M. Bodria, A.M. Ross, A. Raab, T.M. Boeckers, J. Feldmann, C.M. Gomes, M. Zoli, A. Vilella, A.M. Grabrucker, S100B dysregulation during brain development affects synaptic SHANK protein networks via alteration of zinc homeostasis, Translational Psychiatry 11 (2021) 562
N. Solovyev, A.H. El-Khatib, M. Costas-Rodríguez, K. Schwab, E. Griffin, A. Raab, B. Platt, F. Theuring, J. Vogl, F. Vanhaecke, Cu, Fe and Zn isotope ratios in murine Alzheimer's disease models suggest specific signatures of amyloidogenesis and tauopathy, Journal of Biological Chemistry (2021)
M.J. Plater, A. Raab, Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of dyes formed by in situ oxidative methods then purified by absorption and extraction from hair wefts, Journal of Chemical Research (2021)
O. Duboc, K. Steiner, F. Radosits, W.W. Wenzel, W. Goessler, A. Tiefenbacher, P. Strauss, H. Eigner, D. Horn, J. Santner, “ Field evaluation of a boron recycling fertilizer” Plant, Soil, Environ. 67 (2021) 110–119
M. Grau-Perez, V.S. Voruganti, P. Balakrishnan, K. Haack, W. Goessler, N. Franceschini, J. Redón, S.A. Cole, A. Navas-Acien, M. Tellez-Plaza, Genetic variation and urine cadmium levels: ABCC1 effects in the Strong Heart Family Study, Environ. Pollut. 276 (2021) 116717
P. Butmee, J. Mala, C. Damphathik, K. Kunpatee, G. Tumcharern, M. Kerr, E. Mehmeti, G. Raber, K. Kalcher, A. Samphao, A portable selective electrochemical sensor amplified with Fe3O4@Au-cysteamine-thymine acetic acid as conductive mediator for determination of mercuric ion. Talanta 221 (2021) 121669
M. Ćurlin, R. Barbir, S. Dabelić, M. Ljubojević, W. Goessler, V. Micek, I. Žuntar, M. Pavić, L. Božičević, I. Pavičić, I. Vinković Vrček, Sex affects the response of Wistar rats to polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP)-coated silver nanoparticles in an oral 28 days repeated dose toxicity study, Part. Fibre Toxicol. 18:38 (2021)
B. T. Lovakovic, R. Barbir, B. Pem, W. Goessler, M. Curlin, V. Micek, Z. Debeljak, L. Bozicevic, K. Ilic, I. Pavicic, D. Gorup, I. Vinkovic Vrcek, Sex-related response in mice after sub-acute intraperitoneal exposure to silver nanoparticles, NanoImpact 23 (2021) 100340
R.A. Glabonjat, M. Kitsera, K. Unterhauser, C. Lembacher-Fadum, C. Hoegenauer, G. Raber, R. Breinbauer, E.L. Zechner, Simultaneous quantification of enterotoxins tilimycin and tilivalline in biological matrices using HPLC high resolution ESMS2 based on isotopically N-15-labeled internal standards. Talanta 222 (2021) 121677
Y. Zheng, C.X. Tian, L. Dong, L. Tian, R.A. Glabonjat, C. Xiong, Effect of arsenic-containing hydrocarbon on the long-term potentiation at Schaffer Collateral-CA1 synapses from infantile male rat. Neurotoxicology 84 (2021) 198-207
J. Orlic, I. Grzetic, W. Goessler, S. Braeuer, J. Caslavsky, J. Porizka, K. Ilijevi, Artificial cellulose standards as calibration standards for wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis of elements in plant samples, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B - Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 502 (2021) 106-117
G. Hofer, X. Sheng, S. Braeuer, S.E. Payer, K. Plasch, W. Goessler, K. Faber, W. Keller, F. Himo, S.M. Glueck, Metal Ion Promiscuity and Structure of 2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid Decarboxylase of Aspergillus oryzae, ChemBioChem. 22 (2021) 652-665
B. Lajin, S. Braeuer, W. Goessler, Parallel and comparative non-targeted metabolomic speciation analysis of metalloids and their non-metal analogues by HPLC-ICPMS/MS in mushrooms, Metallomics: Integrated Biometal Science 13 (2021)
S. Braeuer, M. Walenta, L. Steiner, W. Goessler, Determination of the naturally occurring vanadium-complex amavadin in Amanita muscaria with HPLC-ICPMS, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 36 (2021) 954-967 .
T. R. Sanchez, X. Hu, J. Zhao, V. Tran, N. Loiacono, Y.-M. Go, W. Goessler, S. Cole, J. Umans, D. P. Jones, A. Navas-Acien, K. Uppal, An atlas of metallome and metabolome interactions and associations with incident diabetes in the Strong Heart Family Study, Environ. Internat. 157 (2021) 106810
V. H. Fengler, T. Macheiner, W. Goessler, M. Ratzer, J. Haybaeck, K. Sargsyan, Hepatic Response of Magnesium-Restricted Wild Type Mice, Metabolites 11 (2021) 762
B. Lajin, N. Schweighofer, W. Goessler, B. Obermayer-Pietsch, The determination of the Paraxanthine/Caffeine ratio as a metabolic biomarker for CYP1A2 activity in various human matrices by UHPLC-ESIMS/MS, Talanta 234 (2021)
B. Lajin, W. Goessler, Introducing dimethyl carbonate as a new eluent in HPLC-ICPMS: Stronger elution with less carbon, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 36(6) (2021) 1272-1279
O. Steiner, M. Komaz, W. Goessler, P. Thomas, K.-D. Kühn, Is benzoyl peroxide detectable under physiological conditions, Int. J. Nano and Biomaterials 10(1) (2021) 34-48
P.E. Hartmann, M. Lazzarotto, J. Pletz, S. Tanda, P. Neu, W. Goessler, W. Kroutil, A.D. Boese, M. Fuchs, Mechanistic Studies of the TRIP-Catalyzed Allylation with Organozinc Reagents, J. Org. Chem. 85 (2020) 9672−9679
B. Lajin, W. Goessler, HPLC-ICPMS/MS shows a significant advantage over HPLC-ICPMS for the determination of perchlorate in ground, tap, and river water, Anal. Chim Acta. 1094 (2020) 11-17
M. Roman, C. Rigo, H. Castillo-Michel, D. Urgast, J. Feldmann, I. Munivrana, V. Vindigni, I. Mičetić, F. Benetti, C. Barbante, W.R.L. Cairns, Spatiotemporal distribution and speciation of silver nanoparticles in the healing wound, The Analyst 145 (2020) 6456-6469
C. Birkl, A. M. Birkl-Toeglhofer, C. Kames, W. Goessler, J. Haybaeck, F. Fazekas, S. Ropele, A. Rauscher, The influence of iron oxidation state on quantitative MRI parameters in post mortem human brain, NeuroImage 220 (2020) 117080
R.A. Street, A. Mathee, S. Tanda, C. Hauzenberger, S. Naidoo, W. Goessler, Recycling of scrap metal into artisanal cookware in the informal sector: A public health threat from multi metal exposure in South Africa, Sci. Total Environ. 699 (2020) 134324
C.A. DeBenedictis, A. Raab, E. Ducie, S. Howley, J. Feldmann, A.M. Grabrucker, Concentrations of Essential Trace Metals in the Brain of Animal Species—A Comparative Study, Brain Sciences 10 (2020) 460
M.A. Taggart, R.F. Shore, D.J. Pain, G. Peniche, M. Martinez-Haro, R. Mateo, J. Homann, A. Raab, J. Feldmann, A.J. Lawlor, E.D. Potter, L.A. Walker, D.W. Braidwood, A.S. French, J. Parry-Jones, J.A. Swift, R.E. Green, Concentration and origin of lead (Pb) in liver and bone of Eurasian buzzards (Buteo buteo) in the United Kingdom, Chemosphere 267 (2020) 115629
S. Zelzer, A. Meinitzer, D. Enko, S. Simstich, E. Cavalier, C. Le Goff, M. Herrmann, W. Goessler, Simultaneous determination of 24,25- and 25,26-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in serum samples with liquid-chromatography mass spectrometry – A useful tool for the assessment of vitamin D metabolism, J. Chromatogr. B 1158 (2020) 122394
F. Ebert, V. Ziemann, V.K. Wandt, B. Witt, S.M. Mueller, N. Guttenberger, E.E. Bankoglu, H. Stopper, G. Raber, K.A. Francesconi, T. Schwerdtle, Cellular toxicological characterization of a thioxolated arsenic-containing hydrocarbon, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 61 (2020) 126563
E.P. Ahi, L.A. Lecaudey, A. Ziegelbecker, O. Steiner, R. Glabonjat, W. Goessler, V. Hois, C. Wagner, A. Lass, K.M. Sefc, Comparative transcriptomics reveals candidate carotenoid color genes in an East African cichlid fish, BMC Genomics 21 (2020) 54
E.P. Ahi, L.A. Lecaudey, A. Ziegelbecker, O. Steiner, W. Goessler, K.M. Sefc, Expression levels of the tetratricopeptide repeat protein gene ttc39b covary with carotenoid-based skin colour in cichlid fish, Biol. Lett 16 (2020) 20200629
H. Finke, V.K. Wandt, F. Ebert, N. Guttenberger, R.A. Glabonjat, . Stiboller, K.A. Francesconi, G. Raber, T. Schwerdtle, MToxicological assessment of arsenic-containing phosphatidylcholines in HepG2 cells, Metallomics 12 (2020) 1159-1170
S. Braeuer, J. Borovička, J. Kameník, E. Prall, T. Stijve, W. Goessler, Is arsenic responsible for the toxicity of the hyperaccumulating mushroom Sarcosphaera coronaria?, Sci. Total Environ. 736 (2020) 139524
R. Ličbinský, J. Faimon, S. Tanda, J. Hegrová, W. Goessler, J. Uberhuberova, Changes in the elemental composition of particulate matter in a speleotherapeutic cave, Atmos. Pollut. Res. 11 (2020) 1142-1154
R.A. Glabonjat, J.S. Blum, L.G. Miller, S.M. Webb, J.F. Stolz, K.A. Francesconi, R.S. Oremland, Arsenolipids in cultured Picocystis strain ML and their occurrence in biota and sediment from Mono Lake, California, Life 10 (2020) 93
S. Tanda, K. Gingl, J. Hegrová, R. Ličbinský, W. Goessler, Occurrence, Seasonal Variation, and Size Resolved Distribution of Arsenic Species in Atmospheric Particulate Matter in an Urban Area in Southeastern Austria, Environ. Sci. Technol. 54 (2020) 5532−5539
T. Narukawa, G. Raber, N. Itoh, K. Inagaki, A new candidate reference material for inorganic arsenic and arsenosugars in Hijiki seaweed: First results from an inter-laboratory study, Analytical Sciences 36 (2020) 233-239
F.P. Freitas, G. Raber, K.B. Jensen, A.J.A. Nogueira, K.A. Francesconi, Lipids that contain arsenic in the Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Environmental Chemistry 17 (2020) 289-301
C. Xiong, M. Stiboller, R.A. Glabonjat, J. Rieger, L. Paton, K.A. Francesconi, Transport of arsenolipids to the milk of a nursing mother after consuming salmon fish, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 61 (2020) 126502
M. Schmid, O. Steiner, L. Fasshold, W. Goessler, A‑M. Holl, K‑D. Kühn, The stability of carbapenems before and after admixture to PMMA‑cement used for replacement surgery caused by Gram‑negative bacteria, Eur. J. Med. Res. 25 (2020) 34
A.K. Bozack, A. Domingo-Relloso, K. Haack, M.V. Gamble, M. Tellez-Plaza, J.G. Umans, L.G. Best, J. Yracheta, M.O. Gribble, A. Cardenas, K.A. Francesconi, W. Goessler, W.Y. Tang, M.D. Fallin, S.A. Cole, A. Navas-Acien, Locus-specific differential DNA methylation and urinary arsenic: An epigenome-wide association study in blood among adults with low - to - moderate arsenic exposure. Environmental Health Perspectives 128 (2020) 067015
M. Powers, T.R. Sanchez, M. Grau-Perez, F. Yeh, K.A. Francesconi, W. Goessler, C.M. George, C. Heaney, L.G. Best, J.G. Umans, R.H. Brown, A. Navas-Acien, Low-moderate arsenic exposure and respiratory in American Indian communities in the Strong Heart Study, Environmental Health 18 (2019) 104
J. Bornhorst, F. Ebert, S. Meyer, V. Ziemann, C. Xiong, N. Guttenberger, A. Raab, J. Baesler, M. Aschner, J. Feldmann, K.A. Francesconi, G. Raber, T. Schwerdtle, Toxicity of three types of arsenolipids: species-specific effects in Caenorhabditis elegans, Metallomics 12 (2020) 794-798
M.H. Al Amin, C. Xiong, K.A. Francesconi, Y. Itahashi, M. Yoneda, J. Yoshinaga, Variation in arsenolipid concentrations in seafood consumed in Japan, Chemosphere 239 (2020) 124781
M.H. Sobel, T.R. Sanchez, M.R. Jones, J.D. Kaufmann, K.A. Francesconi, M.J. Blaha, D. Vaidya, D. Shimbo, W. Goessler, M.V. Gamble, J.M. Genkinger, A. Navas-Acien, Rice intake, arsenic exposure, and subclinical cardiovascular disease among US adults in MESA, Journal of the American Heart Association 9 (2020) e015658
R.A. Street, W. Goessler, S. Naidoo, B. Shezi, N. Cele, J. Rieger, K. Ettinger, T. Reddy, A. Mathee, Exposure to lead and other toxic metals from informal foundries producing cookware from scrap metal, Environ. Res. 191 (2020) 109860
N.E. Tinkelman, M.J. Spratlen, A. Domingo-Relloso, M. Tellez-Plaza, M. Grau-Perez, K.A. Francesconi, W. Goessler, B.V. Howard, J. MacCluer, K.E. North, J.G. Umans, P. Factor-Litvak, S.A. Cole, A. Navas-Acien, Associations of maternal arsenic exposure with adult fasting glucose and insulin resistance in the Strong Heart Study and Strong Heart Family Study, Environment International 137 (2020) 105531
S. Wehmeier, T. Bedekovic, E. Morrison, A. Plato, A. Raab, J. Feldmann, D. Wilson, A.C. Brand, Multi trace element profiling in pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungi, Fungal Biology 124 (2020) 516-524
B. Lajin, W. Goessler, Fluorinated carboxylic acids as “ion repelling agents” in reversed-phase chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A (2020) 1631
B. Lajin, W. Goessler, Fluoroalkylamines: Novel, highly volatile, fast-equilibrating, and electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry signal-enhancing cationic ion-interaction reagents, Analytical Chemistry 92(14) (2020) 10121-10128
B. Lajin, W. Goessler, HPLC-ICPMS/MS shows a significant advantage over HPLC-ICPMS for the determination of perchlorate in ground, tap, and river water. Analytica Chimica Acta 1094 (2020) 11-17
B. Lajin, W. Goessler, Simultaneous determination of chlorinated and brominated acetic acids in various environmental water matrixes by high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry without sample preparation, Analytical Chemistry 92(13) (2020) 9156-9163
S. Velikogne, W.B. Breukelaar, F. Hamm, R.A. Glabonjat, W. Kroutil, C = C - ene-reductases reduce the C = N bond of oximes, ACS Catalysis 10 (2020) 13377-13382
R.A. Glabonjat, E.G. Duncan, K.A. Francesconi, W.A. Maher, Transformation of arsenic lipids in decomposing Ecklonia radiata, Journal of Applied Phycology 31 (2019) 3979-3987
R.A. Glabonjat, G. Raber, K.B. Jensen, F. Schubotz, E.S. Boyd, K.A. Francesconi, Origin of arsenolipids in sediments from Great Salt Lake, Environmental Chemistry 16 (2019) 303-311
F.E. Arellano, S. Braeuer, A. Fernández Cirelli, W. Goessler, A.L. Pérez Carrera, Occurrence of major and trace elements in powdered milk from Argentina, Int. J. Dairy Technol. 72(4) (2019) 643-650
M. Kétszeri, A. Kirsch, B. Frauscher, F. Moschovaki-Filippidoua, A.A. Mooslechner, A.H. Kirsch, C. Schabhuettl, I. Aringer, K. Artinger, G. Pregartner, R. Ekart, S. Breznig, R. Hojs, W. Goessler, I. Schilcher, H. Müller, B. Obermayer-Pietsch, S. Frank, A. R. Rosenkranz, P. Eller, K. Eller, MicroRNA-142-3p improves vascular relaxation in uremia, Atherosclerosis 280 (2019) 28–36
K. Unterhauser, L. Poeltl, G. Schneditz, S. Kienesberger, R.A. Glabonjat, M. Kitsera, J. Pletz, F. Josa-Prado, E. Dornisch, C. Lembacher-Fadum, S. Roier, G. Gorkiewicz, D. Lucena, I. Barasoain, W. Kroutil, M. Wiedner, J.I. Loizou, R. Breinbauer, J.F. Diaz, S. Schild, C. Hoegenauer, E.L. Zechner, Klebsiella oxytoca enterotoxins tilimycin and tilivalline have distinct host DNA-damaging and microtubule-stabilizing activities, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Unites States of America 116 (2019) 3774-3783
I. Rohn, N. Kroepfl, J. Bornhorst, D. Kuehnelt, T. Schwerdtle, Side-directed transfer and presystemic metabolism of selenoneine in a human intestinal barrier model, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 63 (2019) 1900080
J. Borovička, S. Braeuer, J. Sácký, J. Kameník, W. Goessler, J. Trubač, L. Strnad, J. Rohovec, T. Leonhardt, P. Kotrba, Speciation analysis of elements accumulated in Cystoderma carcharias from clean and smelter-polluted sites, Sci. Total Environ. 648 (2019) 1570–1581
S. Tanda, R. Ličbinský, J. Hegrová, J. Faimon, W. Goessler, Arsenic speciation in aerosols of a respiratory therapeutic cave: A first approach to study arsenicals in ultrafine particles, Sci. Total Environ. 651 (2019) 1839–1848
M. Stiboller, F.P. Freitas, K.A. Francesconi, T. Schwerdtle, A.J.A. Nogueira, G. Raber, Lipid-soluble arsenic species identified in the brain of the marine fish skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) using a sequential extraction and HPLC/mass spectrometry, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 34 (2019) 2440-2450
X.-M. Xue, J. Ye, G. Raber, B.P. Rosen, C. Xiong, Y.G. Zhu, C. Rensing, K.A. Francesconi, Z. Zhu, Identification of steps in the pathway of arsenosugar biosynthesis, Environmental Science & Technology 53 (2019) 634-641
N. Kroepfl, K.A. Francesconi, T. Schwerdtle, D. Kuehnelt, Selenoneine and ergothioneine in human blood cells determined simultaneously by HPLC/ICP-QQQ-MS, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 34 (2019) 127-134
M.R. Jones, M. Tellez-Plaza, D. Vaidya, M. Grau-Perez, W.S. Post, J.D. Kaufmann, E. Guallar, K.A. Francesconi, W. Goessler, K.E. Nachman, T.R. Sanchez, A. Navas-Acien, Ethnic, geographic and dietary differences in arsenic exposure in the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA), Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 29 (2019) 310-322
T.R. Sanchez, E.C. Oelsner, D.J. Lederer, C.M.L. Cascio, M.R. Jones, M. Grau-Perez, K.A. Francesconi, W. Goessler, M.S. Perzanowski, R. G. Barr, A. Navas-Acien, Rice Consumption and Subclinical Lung Disease in US Adults: Observational Evidence from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, Am. J. Epidemiol. 188(9) (2019) 1655-1665
G. Pichler, M. Grau-Perez, M. Tellez-Plaza, J. Umans, L. Best, S. Cole, W. Goessler, K. Francesconi, J. Newman, J. Redon, R. Devereux, A. Navas-Acien, Association of Arsenic Exposure With Cardiac Geometry and Left Ventricular Function in Young Adults, Circ. Cardiovas Img. 12(5) (2019) e009018
B. Lajin, O. Steiner, L. Fasshold, K. Zangger, W. Goessler, The identification and chromatographic separation of a new highly analogous impurity of the active pharmaceutical ingredient icatibant, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 132 (2019) 121-124
M. Powers, T.R. Sanchez, M. Grau-Perez, F. Yeh, K.A. Francesconi, W. Goessler, C.M. George, C. Heaney, L.G. Best, J.G. Umans, R.H. Brown, A. Navas-Acien, Low-moderate arsenic exposure and respiratory in American Indian communities in the Strong Heart Study, Environmental Health 18 (2019) 104
A.E. Nigra, P. Olmedo, M. Grau-Perez, R. O’Leary, M. O’Leary, A.M. Fretts, J.G. Umans, L.G. Best, K.A. Francesconi, W. Goessler, S.A. Cole, A. Navas-Acien, Dietary determinants of inorganic arsenic exposure in the Strong Heart Family Study, Environmental Research 177 (2019) 108616
M.J. Spratlen, M. Grau-Perez, J.G. Umans, J. Yracheta, L.G. Best, K.A. Francesconi, W. Goessler, T. Bottiglieri, M.V. Gamble, S.A. Cole, J. Zhao, A. Navas-Acien, Targeted metabolomics to understand the association between arsenic metabolism and diabetes-related outcomes: Preliminary evidence from the Strong Heart Family Study, Environ. Res. 168 (2019) 146–157
I. Rohn, S. Raschke, M. Aschner, S. Tuck, D. Kuehnelt, A. Kipp, T. Schwerdtle, J. Bornhorst, Treatment of Caenorhabditis elegans with small selenium species enhances antioxidant defense systems, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 63 (2019) 1801304
I. Rohn, N. Kroepfl, M. Aschner, J. Bornhorst, D. Kuehnelt, T. Schwerdtle, Selenoneine ameliorates peroxide-induced oxidative stress in C. elegans, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 55 (2019) 78-81
J. Pletz, C. Koeberl, M. Fuchs, O. Steiner, W. Goessler, W. Kroutil, Cu and Hydroquinone for the Trifluoromethylation of Unprotected Phenols, Eur. J. Org. Chem. (2019) 682–690
N.D.G. Chau, H.N. Van, H.T. Long, N.T.M. Duyen, G. Raber, Multi-residue analytical method for trace detection of new-generation pesticides in vegetables using gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B 12 (2019) 417-428
O. Duboc, K. Steiner, F. Radosits, W.W. Wenzel, W. Goessler, J. Santner, Functional Recycling of Biobased, Borate-Stabilized Insulation Materials As B Fertilizer, Environ. Sci. Technol. 53 (2019) 14620−14629
M. Raith, D. Zach, L. Sonnleitner, K. Woroszylo, M. Focke-Tejkl, H. Wank, T. Graf, A. Kuehn, M. Pascal, R.J. Muñoz-Cano, J. Wortmann, P. Aschauer, W. Keller, S. Braeuer, W. Goessler, I. Swoboda, Rational design of a hypoallergenic Phl p 7 variant for immunotherapy of polcalcin-sensitized patients, Sci. Reports 9(1) (2019) 7802
M. Grau-Perez, J.Y. Zhao, B. Pierce, K.A. Francesconi, W. Goessler, Y. Zhu, Q. An, J. Umans, L. Best, S.A. Cole, A. Navas-Acien, M. Tellez-Plaza, Urinary metals and leukocyte telomere length in American Indian communities: The Strong Heart and the Strong Heart Family Study, Environmental Pollution 246 (2019) 311-318
R. Barbir, W. Goessler, M. Curlin, V. Micek, M. Milic, B. Vukovic, M. Milic, M. Ljubojevic, D. Domazet Jurašin, I. Vinkovic Vrcek, Protein Corona Modulates Distribution and Toxicological Effects of Silver Nanoparticles In Vivo, Part. Part. Syst. Charact. (2019) 1900174
T.R. Sanchez, E.C. Oelsner, D.J. Lederer, C. Lo Cascio, M.R. Jones, M. Grau-Perez, K.A. Francesconi, W. Goessler, M.S. Perzanowski, R.G. Barr, A. Navas-Acien, Rice consumption and subclinical lung disease in US adults: Observational evidence from the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis, American Journal of Epidemiology 188 (2019) 1655-1665
X. Sheng, K. Plasch, S.E. Payer, C. Ertl, G. Hofer, W. Keller, S. Braeuer, W. Goessler, S.M. Glueck, F. Himo, K. Faber, Reaction Mechanism and Substrate Specificity of Iso-orotate Decarboxylase: A combined Theoretical and Experimental Study, Front. Chem. 6 608 (2019) 1-9
I. Milovanovic, B. Lajin, S. Braeuer, O. Steiner, L. Fasshold, W. Goessler, Simultaneous selenium and sulfur speciation analysis in cultivated Pleurotus pulmonarius mushroom, Food Chem. 279 (2019) 231-236
S. Braeuer, W. Goessler, Arsenic species in mushrooms, with a focus on analytical methods for their determination - A critical review, Anal. Chim. Acta 1073 (2019) 1-21
P. Brinskelle, C. Smolle, E.-C. Prandl, S. Spendel, M. Leoni, W. Goessler, T. Arif, L.-P. Kamolz, D. B. Lumenta, The Krampus and the Old, Dark Christmas—Full-thickness Contact Alkali Burn With Soot, Milking Grease and Baby Oil, J. Burn Care & Res. 40(1) (2019) 140-142
B. Lajin, W. Goessler, Direct speciation analysis of organophosphorus environmental pollutants in water by HPLC-ICPMS/MS, Talanta 196 (2019) 357-361
B. Lajin, W. Goessler, Exploring the sulfur species in wine by HPLC-ICPMS/MS. Analytica Chimica Acta 1092 (2019) 1-8
S. Tanda, R. Ličbinský, J. Hegrová, W. Goessler, Impact of New Year's Eve fireworks on the size resolved element distributions in airborne particles, Environ. Int. 128 (2019) 371-378
L. Praus, J. Száková, O. Steiner, W. Goessler, Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) biofortification with selenium: How do sulphate and phosphate influence the efficiency of selenate application into soil?, Arch. Agr. Soil Sci. 65(14) (2019) 2059-2072
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FFG-Förderung für den Aufbau eines neuen OF2i-Raman-ICP-TOFMS-Aufbaus zur Analyse von Mikroplastik
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SAS Student Award
Bassam Lajin
Wissenschaftspreis 2024 der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Chemie (GÖCH) und der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Forschungsprojekt von OeAD: Non-targeted non-metal speciation analysis in Asparagus officinalis and Boletus edulis by HPLC-ICPMS/MS
Eleonora Matric
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bestes Poster beim 20. brasilianischen Treffen für analytische Chemie (ENQA) in Bento Goncalves (Brasilien)
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Simone Bräuer
"Monatshefte für Chemie-Wissenschaftspreis" der Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (GÖCH) und der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW)
Stefan Tanda
Preis der Doktoratsschule Chemie für herausragende Leistungen während der Dissertation, Institut für Chemie, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz