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Visitors from Brazil
...A delegation of analytical chemistry from the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (Brazil) has ...
Interview with Raquel in LCGC
..The latest issue of LCGC International magazine includes an interview Raquel gave, which ....
Recently published:
Lhiam has investigated the influence of decommissioned oil pipelines on mercury contamination of oceans. It was found...
Succssful finish of Master
Nano-based food stuff additives
Algae as an animal feed additive
Master's Exam by María...
Publication: how ICPMS can help with non-target analysis of emerging pollutants
how ICPMS can help with non-target analysis of emerging pollutants....
Publication: AF 4-MALS-SP ICP-ToF-MS analysis gives insight into nature of HgSe NPs
AF 4-MALS-SP ICP-ToF-MS analysis gives insight into nature of HgSe nanoparticles formed by cetacean...