Analytical Chemistry for Health and Environment
We are engaged in the development and improvement of analytical methods, with a focus on inorganic analysis.

Environmental Metallomics
Metallomics deals with the distribution, dynamics, function and significance of metal and metalloid species in biological systems.
Trace Element Speciation Laboratory
We are interested in ecological and biological processes in which molecular forms of metals, metalloids or non-metals are changed.

Nano Micro Lab
In our working group, we deal with nano- and microstructures. On the one hand, we detect them as contaminants in complex environmental and biological samples, but we also use them specifically to improve analytical methods.
The aim of ChromICP is to completely replace the "organic ICPMS mode" practiced for more than 30 years with innovative but simple and easily accessible chromatographic approaches that do not compromise detection sensitivity for hydrophobic compounds, thereby opening up new areas in speciation analysis.